Oral Language 6.1 The student will analyze oral participation in small-group activities. * Communicate as leader and contributor. * Evaluate own contributions to discussions. * Summarize and evaluate group activities. * Analyze the effectiveness of participant interactions. 6.2 The student will listen critically and express opinions in oral presentations. * Distinguish between facts and opinions. * Compare and contrast points of view. * Present a convincing argument. Reading/Literature 6.3 The student will read and learn the meanings of unfamiliar words. * Use knowledge of word origins and derivations. * Use word-reference materials. VoyCabularyA really neat dictionary that allows you to search for a definition of a web site or a word.
6.4 The student will read a variety of fiction (realistic, fantasy, historical, and biographical) and nonfiction (expository and argumentative). * Use knowledge of literary forms to aid comprehension and predict outcomes. * Describe how the author's style elicits emotional response from the reader. * Distinguish between first- and third-person point of view. * Compare and contrast authors' styles. * Explain how character and plot development are used in a selection to support a central conflict or story line. Web Published Fiction
A comprehensive list of web published fiction that provides a variety of reading levels and subjects.
This is a really wonderful site that features writings from all grade levels. Students may submit their own works if they wish.
This site is all text, but well worth the visit. It comes from a published book (the author runs the site).
6.5 The student will demonstrate comprehension of a variety of selections. * Identify questions to be answered. * Make, confirm, or revise predictions as needed. * Use context clues to read unfamiliar words. * Draw conclusions and make inferences based on explicit and implied information. * Organize information for use in written and oral presentations. * Compare and contrast information about one topic contained in different selections. 6.6 The student will read and write a variety of poetry. * Describe the visual images created by language. * Describe how word choice, speaker, and imagery elicit a response from the reader. * Compare and contrast plot and character development in narrative poems, short stories, and longer fiction selections. Poetry Daily
This site has a new poem posted each day.
This site has a new poem each week.
The International Poetry Hall of Fame Museum
This page contains mini-biographies as well as examples of poetry for each poet listed.
Writing 6.7 The student will write narratives, descriptions, and explanations. * Use a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas. * Establish central idea, organization, elaboration, and unity. * Select vocabulary and information to enhance the central idea, tone, and voice. * Expand and embed ideas by using modifiers, standard coordination, and subordination in complete sentences. * Revise writing for clarity. * Edit final copies for correct use of language: subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement, consistent tense inflections, and adverb and adjective usage. * Edit final copies for writing mechanics: format, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. 6.8 The student will use writing as a tool for learning in all subjects. * Make lists. * Paraphrase what is heard or read. * Summarize what is heard or read. * Hypothesize. * Connect knowledge within and across disciplines. * Synthesize information to construct new concepts. Research 6.9 The student will select the best sources for a given purpose, including atlases, dictionaries, globes, interviews, telephone directories, encyclopedias, electronic databases, and the Reader's Guide. Back