English Grade 9

9.1   The student will present and critique dramatic readings of
      literary selections.
      * Choose literary form for presentation, such as poems,
        monologues, scenes from plays, or stories.
      * Adapt presentation techniques to fit literary form.
      * Use verbal and nonverbal techniques for presentation.
      * Evaluate impact of presentation.

           An Introduction to Literary Criticism
A very informative site filled with a lot of useful links.
Search here if you need examples.

            Aaron Shephard's Storytelling page
Students interested in learning how to tell stories and reading
other people's stories should look here.  Very well organized 
and easy to understand.

9.2   The student will make planned oral presentations.
      * Include definitions to increase clarity.
      * Use relevant details to support main ideas.
      * Illustrate main ideas through anecdotes and examples.
      * Cite information sources.
      * Make impromptu responses to questions about
          This SOL does not have a site.

9.3   The student will read and analyze a variety of literature.
      * Identify the characteristics that distinguish literary
      * Use literary terms in describing and analyzing
      * Explain the relationships between and among elements of
        literature: characters, plot, setting, tone, point of
        view, and theme.
      * Explain the relationship between author's style and
        literary effect.
      * Describe the use of images and sounds to elicit the
        reader's emotions.
      * Explain the influence of historical context on the form,
        style, and point of view of a written work.

           Barbara's Tales of the Wooden Spoon
A wonderful source for the Urban Legend.  Provides links to other
Urban Legend pages.
           Introduction to Fantasy
A very well organized and interesting source.  Includes some of
the web author's writings and links to other writing sources
on the web.

Though this page is dedicated to theme, there are links to the other
facets of literature. 

9.4   The student will read and analyze a variety of print
      * Identify a hypothesis to be confirmed, disproved, or
      * Evaluate clarity and accuracy of information.
      * Synthesize information from sources and apply it in
        written and oral presentations.
      * Identify questions not answered by a selected text.
      * Extend general and specialized vocabulary through
        reading and writing.
      * Read and follow instructions to use computer software,
        assemble or construct models or equipment, or complete a

     This SOL does not have a web site.

9.5   The student will read dramatic selections.
      * Identify the two basic parts of drama.
      * Compare and contrast the elements of character, setting,
        and plot in one-act plays and full-length plays.
      * Describe how stage directions help the reader understand
        a play's setting, mood, characters, plot, and theme.

A comprehenisive list of playwrights on the web.  A useful index.
Though this page is dedicated to theme, there are links to the other
facets of literature.  

9.6   The student will develop narrative,  literary, expository,
      and technical writings to inform, explain, analyze, or
      * Plan and organize writing.
      * Communicate clearly the purpose of the writing.
      * Write clear, varied sentences.
      * Use specific vocabulary and information.
      * Arrange paragraphs into a logical progression.
      * Revise writing for clarity.
      * Edit final copies for correct use of language, spelling,
        punctuation, and capitalization.

           Conversations with my mind
A very extensive web page dedicated to all sorts of writing.  A good
reference for both the beginning and the experienced writer.

           Grammar Girl
A very well organized site that contains a lot of useful information.
Be sure to visit all of the site!

9.7   The student will credit the sources of both quoted and
      paraphrased ideas.
      * Define the meaning and consequences of plagiarism.
      * Distinguish one's own ideas from information created or
        discovered by others.
      * Use a style sheet method for citing secondary sources,
        such as MLA or APA.

           MLA Style
The MLA handbook on-line.

9.8   The student will use electronic databases to access 
      * Identify key terms.
      * Narrow the focus of a search.
      * Scan and select resources.

This SOL does not have a web site.

General Sources

Literature Resouces A very complete list of Literature resources on the web. Readers and Writers Resource Page This is a link to the index page. This site contains many references to various aspects of reading and writing. Elements of Style by Strunk An on-line copy of the book. A good resource for those who need grammar or other types of writing instruction. Back to the English Index