Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Home Page
A mostly text page about the Chesapeake Bay.
Students will enjoy browsing this page which consists of history about the tribe, current information, and other interesting areas.
4.2 The student will use the concepts of absolute location (e.g.,
using grid systems) and relative location (e.g., direction,
reference to neighboring states, and water features) to
* locate and identify on maps and globes his/her local city or
county, Virginia, the other original states, the United
States, Western Europe, and West Africa;
* explain how physical characteristics, transportation routes,
climate, and specialization influenced the variety of crops,
products, and industries and the general patterns of economic
growth in Virginia;
* illustrate how communities in Virginia differ in physical
features, such as land use, population density, architecture,
services, and transportation; and
* construct physical maps and three-dimensional models that
include the essential map elements and the geographic regions
of Virginia (Tidewater, Piedmont, Ridge and Valley, Allegheny
Plateau), and the U.S. (Coastal Plains, Appalachian
Mountains, Interior Lowlands, Great Plains, Rocky Mountains,
Basin and Ridge, Coastal Range).
A site filled with a variety of different Virginia maps- range from street to historical maps.
4.3 The student will explain the economic, social, and political
life of the Virginia colony, with emphasis on
* its political and economic relationship to England and other
* characteristics and contributions of various groups of
* the role of money, banking, saving, and credit in colonial
* reasons for, and Virginia's role in, the American Revolution;
* the backgrounds, motivations, and contributions of George
Washington, George Wythe, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison,
James Monroe, Patrick Henry, and other prominent Virginians
in the Revolutionary era; and
* the significance of the Charters of the Virginia Company of
London, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the Virginia
Statute of Religious Freedom, and the Declaration of
A wonderful page dedicated to Colonial Williamsburg and life in Virginia at the time. Very easy to use and full of useful information.
A massive site full of useful information. Includes information about every aspect of life during the Revolution.
4.4 The student will describe the social and political life of
Virginians between the Revolutionary War and the end of the
Civil War, with emphasis on
* the contributions of Virginians to the establishment of the
U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the success of the
new national government;
* conflicts between northern and southern states and within
Virginia, including Nat Turner's Rebellion, and events
leading to secession; and
* Virginia's role in the Civil War, including major battles and
leaders in the Confederate army, including Robert E. Lee,
J.E.B. Stuart, and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson.
Anything and everything you ever wanted to know about the Civil War. I would suggest that teachers visit the site first before allowing students to browse. Includes original documents and pictures!
4.5 The student will evaluate the social, political, and economic
life in Virginia from the Reconstruction Period to the 20th
century, with emphasis on
* the Reconstruction Period and its impact on politics and
government, the economy, demographics, and public opinion;
* the impact of segregation and Jim Crow laws; and
* the economic and social transition from a rural, agricultural
society to a more urban, industrialized society.
From Revolution to Reconstruction
4.6 The student will trace the history of Virginia in the 20th
century, with emphasis on
* the accomplishments of prominent Virginians, including
Woodrow Wilson, Harry F. Byrd, Sr., L. Douglas Wilder, and
Arthur Ashe;
* social and political events linked to desegregation and
Massive Resistance and their relationship to national
* the impact of advances in transportation and communication on
migration, economic development, and the integration of
Virginia into the U.S. economy and eastern Virginia into the
northeast megalopolis;
* the role of money, banking, saving, and credit in
contemporary Virginia; and
* the types of taxes collected and the types of services
provided by each level of government.
4.7 The student will develop historical analysis skills including
* identifying, analyzing, and making generalizations about the
life in Virginia history using primary sources including
artifacts, diaries, letters, photographs, art, documents, and
* distinguishing fact from fiction by comparing documentary
sources on historical figures and events with fictionalized
characters and events; and
* summarizing and sequencing major events in Virginia history
from 1607 to the present and locating significant places and
events on a map.
Virginia Historical and Governmental Sites
A must-visit site for anyone teaching/researching/ or interested in Virginia and her history. This site is simply a list of other sites that one may find useful. Be sure to take your time when looking through this site so you don't miss anything!
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