Social Studies- Kindergarten

Note: This page is a reference for teachers. It does not contain mostly student links.

K.1  The student will understand that history relates to events and
     people of other times and places by
     * identifying examples of past events in legends and historical
       accounts, including Paul Revere's ride and the stories of
       Johnny Appleseed, Booker T. Washington, and Betsy Ross;
     * identifying examples of interesting Americans through
       exposure to biographies of important people of the past,
       including George Washington, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln,
       and Davy Crockett; and
     * describing the people and events honored in commemorative
       holidays, including Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, Independence
       Day, President's Day, and Lee/Jackson/King Day.

           Betsy Ross Homepage
A wonderful page full of facts about Betsy Ross and her time period.
Learn about why the star on the flag has five points instead of six
as originally planned and other interesting facts.  You can also
take a tour of her house.

           The Alamo
This page deals mostly with the Alamo, but it has a link to some 
information on Davy Crockett.

           Dr. King Timeline
This is a page that was designed by elementary school children.  
Very accurate information and the illustrations are done by 
students themselves.

K.2  The student will compare and contrast the relative location of
     people, places, and things by
     * placing objects using near/far, up/down, left/right,
       behind/in front; and
     * locating land and water on a map using north, east, south,
       and west.

Map Machine from National Geographic

Though this grade level won't really appreciate everything the site has to offer, the maps are wonderful and may be useful for extra reference.


This is a nice site if you want a road map of your general area. The maps will be a bit complex, but the students can navigate left and right using arrows.

K.3 The student will use simple maps, globes, and other three-dimensional models to * become aware of the physical shape of our state and nation;and * locate areas referenced in historically based legends and stories.

Maps of Virginia

Offers a variety of Virginia maps. Allows the user to select the features they wish to view.

Library of Congress

Though most of these maps are complex, some are very attractive. There are historical maps from the entire country that are worth a look.

K.4 The student will identify symbols such as * community symbols (traffic signs, traffic lights, street and highway markers, etc.); and * map symbols (legend references to land, water, roads, and cities).

Please see the other map references for this SOL.

K.5 The student will match simple descriptions of work that people do and the names of those jobs with examples from the local community and historical accounts.

There is no web page for this SOL.

K.6 The student will identify basic economic concepts, including * the difference between basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter) and wants (luxuries); * the practice of exchanging money for goods; and * examples of people saving for the future.

There is no web page for this SOL.

K.7 The student will demonstrate an understanding that being a good citizen involves important actions by * taking turns and sharing; * taking responsibility for certain classroom chores; * taking care of his/her own things (pencils, clothing, papers, books) and respecting what belongs to others; * identifying examples of honesty, courage, patriotism, and other admirable character traits seen in American history; and * identifying examples of rules and the consequences of breaking them. Please see other references on this page.

K.8 The student will identify traditionally patriotic symbols such as * those associated with America including the flag, the bald eagle, monuments, etc.; and * those associated with Virginia including the flag, the cardinal, etc. American Flag Page A wonderful site full of useful links and info about the American Flag. This site plays the Star Spangle Banner while you browse. K.9 The student will learn traditionally patriotic activities, including the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled Banner. The Pledge Page An interesting page to visit. This page displays different copies of the Pledge signed by various famous people. Star Spangled Banner

National Anthem

Fourth Of July

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